LG Solutions, Inc. (USA)
2607 Northrup Dr Rockville, MD 20850 United States Phone: +1-240-706-7518 Fax: +1-413-618-5668
www.data-converters.com sales@data-converters.com
Amazon (USA / Canada)
Share-it!/Element 5 GmbH (Germany / Europe)
Vogelsanger Strasse 78 50823 Cologne Germany Phone: +49-221-31088-20 Fax:+49-221-31088-29 www.shareit.com/product.html?cart=1&productid=300086018
Note: The Product ID Number (available on the link above) is required when order by phone.
CommFront Communications Pte Ltd (Singapore / Asia Pacific)
No. 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1 #05-31 A'Posh BizHub Singapore 768160 Phone: +65-6268-9596 Fax: +65-6491-5729 www.commfront.com sales@commfront.com.sg
AutomationBuyer (South Africa / Africa)
Unit 5, Pogson Park, Pogson Road Sydenham, Port Elizabeth South Africa 6001 Phone: +27 41-451-2712 www.automationbuyer.co.za support@automationsuyber.co.za